
StorYBook 2.1.8

Image StorYBook 2.1.8
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  • Developer:

    Martin Mustun

  • OS:

    Windows Vista

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 05, 2021

  • "Organize the characters, plot and scenarios of a story"

At the time of writing a book there are many elements necessary to facilitate this task as far as possible. Without the necessary imagination, it is highly recommended to maintain a correct organization of all ideas.

For this you have StorYBook, a kind of organizer that allows you to manage each and every one of the characters, as well as the connected plots, the events that happened throughout the story and many other details.

This process is based on graphical representation, so the result is really intuitive and can be understood in a matter of seconds, allowing you to sort the data chronologically or by chapters.